Narendra Modi Birth chart


Ashtakvarga chart


As you must be all aware of the Prime minister of India Shri Narendra Modi. Now there are different views regarding the birth timing of Modi. Some say it’s libra rising and some say it’s Scorpio rising. Well I saw various birth time, and 12.09 pm seems to be the correct one. Modi was born on 17th September 1950 in vadnagar in gujarat.

The rising sign of the ascendant is Scorpio. Following are the points in favour of Scorpio ascendant.

1 when we take 12.09 pm as the time of birth, ascendant becomes vargottama which is a very good rajya yoga in astrology.

2 For anyone to hold such a high post the ascendant and the ascendant Lord must be very powerful. In this case the ascendant Lord Mars is sitting in it’s own house along with 9th Lord moon. Here moon is involved in neech bhanga rajya yoga which makes the 9th house and 9th Lord powerful.

3 Fourth house is very important house as it indicates masses. Shri Narendra Modi has retrograde Jupiter in the sign of aquarius. Aquarius is considered as a good sign for jupiter. And since jupiter is retrograde it becomes all the more benefic. No wonder why Modi is so famous among the masses.

4 Jupiter which is the lord of 2nd and 5th house is being aspected by the 4th and 7th lord saturn and Venus. This creates another powerful rajya yoga in his chart.

5 Saturn is the planet of masses. It’s deposited in the 10th house which is a upachaya house and gives very good results.

6 10th and 11th lord sun and mercury are conjunct in 11th house of gains which is very good. Mercury is exalted and thus gives him great oratory and writing skills. Also exalted mercury is conjunct with ketu which increases the power of mercury fourfold.

7 Now saturn is the atmakaraka and Venus amatyakaraka and both are powerfully situated in the 10th house and aspected by retrograde Jupiter. This is a very powerful rajya yoga as per Jaimini astrology.

8 As per ashtakvarga system in astrology, 10th house has 27 bindus and 11th house has 36 bindus. Which means that gains are more than the efforts put in, Which is a prerequisite for any person to reach such a high position.

9 Now one more important thing to notice is in navamsa chart there is a conjunction of Venus and rahu. I have seen such combination to be very powerful and takes the person to great Heights after 36 years of his life.

10 Now Mr Modi become chief minister of gujarat during the dasha of venus-mercury. Both the planets are involved in rajya yoga. And he became prime minister of India during moon jupiter which is forming a gajkesari yoga.

11 Also in his chart there are various rajya yogas such as Parijata yoga, Virinchi Yoga, sankha yoga which makes the chart all the more powerful.

Thus in my opinion Mr Modi is born in Scorpio ascendant and not in libra ascendant. And the correct time is 12.09 pm.